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February 05, 2009

Quotes (I)

Lately, I have to read book after book for my research. Every once in a while I run across delicious quotes. I thought I'd share a couple. Here is the first one:

Salvador Giner (1985: 254) wrote of civil society that "the impression of the notions used may perhaps be more symptomatic of the object described by them than a reflection of carelessness on the part of its interpreters. In stark contrast to the clearly defined boundaries of its 'opposite' entity, the state, those of civil society must always remain unclear. For the state, demarcation is all, whereas for civil society ambiquity - the ambiguity that stems from a certain kind of freedom - is all." I disagree. (p. 23)

Schwartz, Frank J. (2003). "What Is Civil Society?" In: The State of Civil Society in Japan. Schwartz, Frank J. and Pharr, Susan J. (eds.). New York: Cambridge University Press.