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November 30, 2008

Kyoto: Billy's Bar

Japan always appears clean because there's always someone that will clean up right after somebody made a mess. In bars, clubs and other estalishments you can see that Japan is just as dirty as other countries. And the Japanese, too, forget to flush when they are done it seems:

November 28, 2008

Kobe: McDonald's

The McDonald's near my dorm is amazingly well lit. I only ate there twice so far, since I really, really don't like McD's food. Today I went again, just to take some pictures.

Beat the Devil

This time on Art and Sausages: Beat the Devil. An interesting short film with an interesting cast. James Brown? Yeah, he's alright. Clive Owen? I like him. Gary Oldman? Awesome! And as a special bonus Marilyn Manson just to top it off.